At the very beginning of the pandemic, I thought that it would last just a couple of weeks. But then our shelter in place time stretched on and as it stretched on, I talked to more and more people who were struggling just to have something to eat everyday. My heart broke when one family connected to the Victory Center told me that they had been walking up the mountain to cut wild grass to boil so that they had something to fill their stomachs. I knew I had to do something. I started out small just picking up basic food items (when I could find them in the stores) and preparing food boxes to take to dear friends. These friends then directed me to other people who were in desperate need of rice, beans, milk, eggs, etc. I prayerfully considered how we could get food to a larger group of people. And then I shared in a newsletter that we were taking donations for our benevolence fund. Through your generous donations we were able to give away hundreds of food boxes. Some to the families connected to the Victory Center, others to people connected to our local church Vida Eterna and still others in the Indigenous areas up the mountain from Morelia. As we handed out food boxes, several people were so touched to experience God's loving care for them that they prayed to receive Jesus as their Lord and Savior. How the Victory Center is affected by the pandemic:
Mexico has made the difficult decision to not return to classes this school year. As an educational support organization, the Victory Center will not have any school help or tutoring classes until next fall. But we are prayerfully considering how we can still have contact with our students and minister to them and their families. Each year we do a summer vacation bible school the first week of August. Please pray with us for wisdom on whether it is something we should do this year and if we were to do it, how we can safely do so. At the time of this mailing our state of Michoacan is just starting to open up after a long 2 and a half months of quarantine. Though we have not been a hot spot for the Corona virus, our number of cases has not yet stopped raising. Prayer requests: That we would know how to move forward in ministry during these changing times. Please pray for our staff and their families. For continued funding as people everywhere are faced with more limited income. Good health and safety. Praises: The amazing response to the Victory Center benevolence fund. Several people who received food boxes also received Jesus as their Savior. Blessings, Sue Leak Victory Center Morelia Mexico Donations: and click on GIVE |