It’s February. It’s been a hard winter. A counselor once told me that February is his busiest month as people wrestle with the short days, cold weather, and sense of isolation. Let’s combat all that this week in two ways: sit with Jesus and choose activities to feed all the parts of your life. At some point this week, read Mark 13 in preparation for next week’s sermon. Sit with Jesus and ask him to speak what you most need to hear from the passage. Day 1: Read 1 Corinthians 16:9-10. Physical--Get moving for 30 minutes. Take a walk at the mall. Bundle up and walk outside. Find an exercise video online and do it in your home. Just move -- as quickly as you are able for 30 minutes. Day 2: Read 1 Thessalonians 5:18. Emotional—Spend today looking for the good. At each mealtime, think of, say out loud or write down 3 things you are thankful for. It can be as small as a favorite cup and as large as changing seasons. Be creative and get your brain practicing positive thoughts. Day 3: Read Hebrews 19:24-25. Social—Do something with a friend today—or make plans to do something this week. Think of a way to be an encouragement to that friend. Day 4: Read Proverbs 1:7. Mental—Is there a topic you’ve been thinking about or a problem bothering you? Find an online article or a book and spend 30 minutes reading today to get your brain learning. Day 5: Read Proverbs 17:22. Fun—pick something you really like to do and do it today! Smile, be present not feeling guilty about things you are not doing, and relax.
5 Day Devotional Day 1: Mark 12:1-12 Day 2: Mark 12:13-17 Day 3: Mark 12:18-27 Day 4: Mark 12:28-34 Day 5: Mark 12:35-44 1. What do I learn about Jesus? Nini nimejifunza kuhusu Yesu? 2. What do I learn about people? Nini nimejifunza kuhusu watu? 3. Now what? What might Jesus be saying to you through these verses? Sasa je? (Ni nini Mungu ananizungumuzia kwa neno hili? Namna haya yapata na maisha yangu?) 4. Who can I tell about what I learned? Ni nani nawez kueleza haya nilyojifunza kwa juma hii? Listen and download:
Guest speaker Mitch Bakker shares with us this week! 5 Day Devotional We’re back in Mark this week heading into the last week of Jesus’ life and ministry before his death. And Mark 11 is packed with action and teaching. Prepare for Sunday’s sermon on Mark 11 by reading and using your imagination this week. Day 1: Mark 1:1-11 As you read this passage, think about the different people in the story: Jesus, the two disciples sent for the colt, the people standing around, the people spreading their coats for Jesus, the people shouting “Hosanna”. Who do you most identify with and why? Day 2: Mark 11:12-19 Uh oh. Here we go with another story about money. (Smile). Imagine that you were one of the people in the temple that day--either someone selling, buying, or praying. How would you have felt as you watched Jesus clearing the temple? Day 3: Mark 11:20-26 This fig tree story which started in verse 12-14 and then continues in today’s passage is troubling for me. How about you? If you had to rate yourself on how much doubt you have, where would you fall? 0 (no doubts) to 100 (all doubt). How about on forgiveness? Lots of things to wrestle through in these verses. Talk to Jesus about it. Day 4: Mark 11:27-33 Here Jesus goes again not clearly defining who he is. Remember that from the beginning of Mark? How often are you like the chief priests and teachers of the law -- trying to question and trick Jesus rather than simply receiving him? Day 5: Simply sit quietly with Jesus today. Maybe review what you have read or learned or thought about this week. Ask Jesus to bring to your mind something you have learned or that He is asking you to do. Do it or make a plan of when and how you will do it. Listen and download:
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July 2020