
Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians
Sundays at 9:45am in the Spruce Room
Read, study, and apply these letters written by Paul. During the week, read and study a passage and come together to talk about what God is teaching you. Led by Heidi.
Sundays at 9:45am in the Spruce Room
Read, study, and apply these letters written by Paul. During the week, read and study a passage and come together to talk about what God is teaching you. Led by Heidi.
Sundays at 9:45am in the Oak Room This book by Ivan Filby on the Holy Spirit is an invitation to a lifelong journey of learning how to listen to the Spirit’s voice, discern where he is moving, and exercise your faith in the adventure of livestreaming with him. Participants will need to purchase the book and read ahead of class to prepare for discussion. No specific leader, discussion group. |

Living Word
Sundays at 9:45am in the Chapel
September through November they will be studying the book of Daniel (Challenges for Faithful Followers) and Esther (God in the Shadows) using the Adult Faith Connections curriculum which offers a Bible Study guide to use during the week. Seekers of all ages are invited to come and learn together. Led by Charles and Karol.
Sundays at 9:45am in the Chapel
September through November they will be studying the book of Daniel (Challenges for Faithful Followers) and Esther (God in the Shadows) using the Adult Faith Connections curriculum which offers a Bible Study guide to use during the week. Seekers of all ages are invited to come and learn together. Led by Charles and Karol.
Sundays at 9:45am in the Pine Room This 10 week study guides us in learning and experiencing 7 rhythms of a follower of Jesus. It is powerful for new believers and those desiring to develop new rhythms of their faith. Also, all material is in both written and video format making it accessible for a broader group. Led by Pastor Erik. |

Spiritual Reality
Sundays at 9:45am in the Cedar Room
Currently we are examining the book of Romans. The class is a combination of teaching, written notes, and class discussion. We share prayer requests and praises. We also have celebrations and social events. We are a close knit group always looking to extend our family. Ages 16 and up. Led by Pam.
Sundays at 9:45am in the Cedar Room
Currently we are examining the book of Romans. The class is a combination of teaching, written notes, and class discussion. We share prayer requests and praises. We also have celebrations and social events. We are a close knit group always looking to extend our family. Ages 16 and up. Led by Pam.

The Chosen Season 4
Wednesdays from 6:30-8:30pm
Join us in the Chapel to watch season 4 of the Chosen - a tv show depicting the life of Christ and his disciples. Each week we will watch one episode followed by meaningful conversations as we consider our own faith journey. Watching seasons 1-3 is not a prerequisite and you can join our group any time. Led by Pastor Bryan and Pastor Tammy.
Wednesdays from 6:30-8:30pm
Join us in the Chapel to watch season 4 of the Chosen - a tv show depicting the life of Christ and his disciples. Each week we will watch one episode followed by meaningful conversations as we consider our own faith journey. Watching seasons 1-3 is not a prerequisite and you can join our group any time. Led by Pastor Bryan and Pastor Tammy.