our Mission
Loving God, loving everyone, following Jesus... together.
our Vision
We are one people, living one story, one step at a time. We also invite others one step closer to Jesus by being hope-givers, light-shiners, and story-tellers.
We are one people -- children of God.
We may have different skin colors, different languages, and different cultures, but we are committed to one another as the family of God. As God's people we are loved and important. We all have something to bring. The Holy Spirit gives us power to play our part wholeheartedly and with the humility and joy of knowing ours is one part of something far bigger.
We are living one story -- God's Shalom story.
We are learning to follow the shalom story of Jesus. We desire a life of right relationships between us and God, us and others, and us and the created world. The story is long but simple. It has a good ending. Though there are tragic parts, the end and many parts along the way are good, very good. So we patiently walk through the sorrow, suffering, and pain knowing that all things work together for good for God's people.
We are taking one step at a time.
We are continually growing closer to God, participating in the miracle of holiness -- becoming more and more like Jesus. We understand that sometimes God works in big ways, but more often he walks with us step by step until we look back and realize we have participated in a miracle.
So we are patient, grace-giving, and we speak the truth in love.
We are inviting others to also take one step closer to God.
We do this by blessing our community in hope-giving, tangible ways, being a light in dark places, and talking about our own Jesus stories.
We also do this by offering a place where people can experience belonging, Bible teaching, and growth.
We may have different skin colors, different languages, and different cultures, but we are committed to one another as the family of God. As God's people we are loved and important. We all have something to bring. The Holy Spirit gives us power to play our part wholeheartedly and with the humility and joy of knowing ours is one part of something far bigger.
We are living one story -- God's Shalom story.
We are learning to follow the shalom story of Jesus. We desire a life of right relationships between us and God, us and others, and us and the created world. The story is long but simple. It has a good ending. Though there are tragic parts, the end and many parts along the way are good, very good. So we patiently walk through the sorrow, suffering, and pain knowing that all things work together for good for God's people.
We are taking one step at a time.
We are continually growing closer to God, participating in the miracle of holiness -- becoming more and more like Jesus. We understand that sometimes God works in big ways, but more often he walks with us step by step until we look back and realize we have participated in a miracle.
So we are patient, grace-giving, and we speak the truth in love.
We are inviting others to also take one step closer to God.
We do this by blessing our community in hope-giving, tangible ways, being a light in dark places, and talking about our own Jesus stories.
We also do this by offering a place where people can experience belonging, Bible teaching, and growth.